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Freedom of Soul

Country:United States
Releases:[The 2nd comin'] [Caught in a land of time] [This Is Love (vinyl single)] [This Is Love (single)]
Info:Hip hop pioneers with a super soulflow. The band consisted of Peace586 and DJ Cartoon. Freedom of Soul just made two albums. The 1991 album "Caught in a land of time" has soulfull tunes, great turntablism and even a few stunning ballads. They raised the bar in the holyhiphop scene and introduced, now popular, artists like T-Bone and the Brainwash Projects. Peace586 is a well known producer and can now be found as a member of the Tunnel Rats crew.

Release:The 2nd comin'
The 2nd comin'
(what is this?) / 19 users have this
Released:1994 [ Listen to HHH from this era on Spotify ]
Info:Second album of the Freedom of Soul. Again produced by Peace586, Victor Everett, Chris Cooper a.k.a. Sup the Chemist , Derek Drew. Executive production by J. Taylor and Gene Eugene. A slightly more aggressive sound with guest appeareances of T-Bone, Chrystal lewis and Brainwash Projects.

1. The 2nd comin
2. Home
3. Dusk till dawn
4. Sooner or later
5. Never changes
6. Not this record
7. Soulswinger
8. Sonshyne
9. How much it cost?
Rating:Our users rated this release: 9 out of 10
(Number of votes: 2)   Sign up or login to submit your vote
Reviews:Found 0 reviews for this album. [Add a review]

Release:Caught in a land of time
Caught in a land of time
(what is this?) / 20 users have this
Media:[Audio CD] [7/12inch Vinyl] [Audio Tape]
Released:1991 [ Listen to HHH from this era on Spotify ]
Info:Soulfull tunes with guest appearances of Jon Gibson and IDOL King. Production by Peace, Chris Cooper a.k.a. Sup the Chemist , Derek Drew, Victor Everett. Executive production by Ojo Taylor and Gene Eugene.

1. Freedom of soul
2. Caught in a land of time
3. Runnin' thru my mind
4. A touch of soul
5. Cookin' bacon
6. Blue sky lies
7. Acknowledgements
8. It's on you
9. This is love
10. Can't hold back
11. Cartoon goes to Texas
12. Skin deep
13. January 15th
14. Y don't U want 2 play me
15. Serious lyrics
Rating:Our users rated this release: 9 out of 10
(Number of votes: 4)   Sign up or login to submit your vote
Reviews:Found 2 reviews for this album. [Add a review]

Release:This Is Love (vinyl single)
This Is Love (vinyl single)
(what is this?) / 1 user has this
Media:[7/12inch Vinyl]
Released:1991 [ Listen to HHH from this era on Spotify ]
Recordlabel:Word Records
Info:A vinyl 12 inch record from the album Caught in a Land of Time.

Side 1, track 1 - produced by Chris Cooper, Derek Drew and Peace.
Side 1, track 2 - additional production by Yo! Brothers: Dr. Dre, T-Money and Dave DMX.
Side 2, track 1 & 2 - additional production by Yo! Brothers: Dr. Dre, T-Money and Dave DMX.

Side 1
1. This is Love (LP version)
2. This is Love (Gang Style Ximer)

Side 2
1. This is Love (Chumpy Ximer)
2. This is Love (Chumpy Mental Ximer)
Rating:This release is not rated yet   Sign up or login to submit your vote
Reviews:Found 0 reviews for this album. [Add a review]

Release:This Is Love (single)
This Is Love (single)
(what is this?) / 2 users have this
Media:[Audio CD]
Released:1991 [ Listen to HHH from this era on Spotify ]
Recordlabel:Word Records
Info:Single from the album Caught In A Land Of Time.

Track 1 - produced by Chris Cooper, Derek Drew and Peace.
Track 2 - additional production by Yo! Brothers: Dr. Dre, T-Money and Dave DMX.
Track 3, 4 - additional production by Yo! Brothers: Dr. Dre, T-Money and Dave DMX.

Side 1
1. This is Love (LP version)
2. This is Love (Gang Style Ximer)
3. This is Love (Chumpy Ximer)
4. This is Love (Chumpy Mental Ximer)
Rating:This release is not rated yet   Sign up or login to submit your vote
Reviews:Found 0 reviews for this album. [Add a review]

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