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Holy-Wood Records

Info:The label is founded by Kelly O. Williams (Prodigal Son). Holy-Wood Records has secured a distributiondeal in London, United Kingdom via the Awake Music Group.
Address:2857 NW 91st Avenue
Suite 204
Zipcode:Fl 3306
City:Coral Springs
Country:United States
Phone:+ 954-801-4965
Releases:A few random releases on this label...
My Block Prodigal Son (Kelly O. Williams) - My Block
Christ's Executive Officer Prodigal Son (Kelly O. Williams) - Christ's Executive Officer
Child of the King Justin-Credible - Child of the King
Child of the King EP Justin-Credible - Child of the King EP
Kingdom Swagga-Nomics Prodigal Son (Kelly O. Williams) - Kingdom Swagga-Nomics

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